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My Biggest Investments in Africa | Undercover Millionaire Documentary

I am investing in many properties and land across the continent of Africa, but as well as investments that will reap a financial gain, I am also investing into the local communities. In a recent documentary posted to my YouTube channel, I show the ups and downs of my adventures and investments in Uganda, Africa.

I also showcase the work that The Samuel Leeds Foundation is currently doing building schools and hospital wards, changing people’s lives for the better. You can watch the full documentary above. Be sure to watch until the end as it contains important information.

From schools to scams, from hotels to hospitals, I’ve experienced just about everything when travelling. In this article, I will give you 3 lessons from my travels in Uganda.

1. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change someone’s world

There is a story about a boy who rescued starfish that had been stranded on the beach due to a storm. An old man asked him what he was doing, and the boy explained. The old man was surprised and said, ‘there are thousands of starfish here, you will never save them all. You will not make any difference’. The boy picked up a starfish and threw it back into the sea and said, ‘but I did make a difference to this one’. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change someone’s world.

This applies to every area of life. Focus on what you can do and not what you can’t. If you can become more effective over time, do so. But never put your focus on the things that you have no power to change. Never use the fact you can’t do everything as an excuse to do nothing.

2. Investment is needed in Africa, not just aid

A lot of people think of Africa as a place to go and do charitable work, and it is true that such work is very much needed. My foundation is very much involved in this. But Africa has a lot to offer the world that goes way beyond the limited perception that we are often fed by the media. Africa needs investment and trade to grow, and there are many opportunities for both.

On my travels in Uganda, I met property developers and business people who are ready to expand what they are doing with the right business partners. Capitalism benefits everyone, and over time, reduces reliance on aid. If you have money to invest, consider investing some of your capital further afield!

3. Not everything is what it seems, be careful of scams

Wherever you go in the world, there are some people that do not have the best of intentions. Do your due diligence before investing or donating any money. Make sure you get good legal advice both locally and back in the UK before transferring any large sum. Find trusted local contacts that can help you navigate any common pitfalls.

If you want to get started building your wealth so that you can do more for the world, why not book a ticket to my next training course? Tickets are just £1, and you can get yours here.

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