How To Become Super Rich – 3 Incredible Ways The Elites Use Debt To Increase Their Wealth!

How To Become Super Rich: Society teaches us to fear debt, but did you know that high-net-worth individuals are often high-debt-worth individuals? In a recent video, I reveal how to strategically use debt to build a property portfolio, increase your cash flow, and scale your wealth faster than ever before.

If you want to learn the secrets of how the super rich use debt, I highly recommend watching the video until the end. You can watch the video at the top of this page or on my YouTube channel. By the end of the video, you will know more about good debt than the majority of the population!

We are taught that debt is bad, and it can be. If you take out debt to fund your lifestyle, debt can really hurt you. But most high-net-worth individuals love debt! Debt, used correctly, can grow fortunes. In this article, I will show you how to become super rich using debt the way the elites do!

My mission is to get this information into the hands of as many people as possible. If you learnt something from this article, please pass on the value! Sharing this article on social media will help spread financial education to more people.

1. How To Become Super Rich: The Rich Use Debt As Leverage!

Imagine buying £100,000 in gold, and it increases in price at around 10% per year. After 10 years, your gold might be worth £200,000. However, if you used that same £100,000 to get a mortgage on a property, you could buy a property worth £400,000 (with a 75% loan-to-value mortgage). If your property doubled in value over 10 years, you would own an asset worth £800,000!

This is how the rich use debt as leverage. By buying real estate, which can be easily borrowed against, you can increase your wealth while only putting a relatively small percentage down. This leaves you with more capital to invest elsewhere!

2. How To Become Super Rich: The Rich Use Debt To Benefit From Inflation!

Governments print more and more currency, causing inflation. This is terrible for savers as the purchasing power of their money goes down. On the other hand, it is great for borrowers! What was originally a large sum of money can become a small sum over a long enough time horizon.

Here is an example, my grandma bought a house for £2,500 in the 1960s. She paid a deposit of £1,000, and she had a mortgage of £1,500. At the time, the average gross salary for a woman was only £595 per year. My grandma spent years living below her means to pay down the debt, rather than only pay the interest.

A few years before she died, she told me she wished she hadn’t paid down the principle, because today £1,500 isn’t a lot of money, and she could have easily paid it off! That’s why the rich often avoid paying off their good debt, and only pay the interest.

3. How To Become Super Rich: The Rich Use Debt To Legally Avoid Taxes!

If you own rental property, and it increases in value, you could sell it. But if you sell the property, you will have to pay capital gains tax, and you won’t have the property any more. On the other hand, you could remortgage the property at its new value. That way, you can keep the property and have the cash tax-free, because it is debt.

You can use the money to invest in another property, and use the rental income from both properties to pay the interest on the debt. This allows you to build a property empire in a tax efficient manner. That’s why the super rich love debt!

How To Become Super Rich: Read This Book!

How To Become Super Rich: I have written a book that exposes the tactics and plans of the super rich elites, it’s called ‘The Future of Money: The Great Reset Is Coming, Are You Prepared?’ and you can get a copy on Amazon.

You can also get a FREE copy of it as an e-book!

In the book, I answer the following questions:

  • Why is everything getting so expensive?

  • Who really controls the economic world?

  • What is the future of cryptocurrencies?

  • Why is the government printing so much money?

  • Why are the high street banks closing down?

  • How is the education system failing our children?

  • Why is gold so valuable?

  • Can the government take away our houses?

  • How can you protect your wealth?

  • What is the future of money?

If you want to know what is really going on with your money, get your copy of my book right now on Amazon.

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