Do I need a personal brand?
If you find yourself asking ‘Do I need a personal brand?' you are thinking the right way. People underestimate the power of it. If you think the answer to the question ‘Do I need a personal brand?' is yes, then you are one step ahead of most people. In this video, our property legend Samuel Leeds is asked about the value of personal branding. If you want to know how to create one, watch this and share it with your entrepreneurial buddies.
Samuel Leeds is a person and he is also a brand. They just happen to be very similar because he keeps himself authentic. However, there are some successful influencers out there who have a separate persona online. It's entirely up to you, how you want to portray yourself but authenticity is usually the key. To get started, simply think about what you do which is interesting and how you can communicate your value to an open audience. You aren't just going to be talking to friends and family, you are talking to the wider world who might stumble across you on social media or YouTube.
If Samuel was starting from scratch, he would start Vlogging. He would document everything he was doing. On his channel you would find videos showing him hunting for his first property, dealing with tenants, liaising with landlords and so forth. It's about taking what you do daily and packaging it up in a consumable manner. Think about what would be appealing to your audience and you'll have them engaged. It's about communicating who you are and what you do. Let people follow your journey and want to keep up with your life.
Find out why personal branding is more valuable than money in the bank, watch the video!