Although we have every faith that you will be happy with our training, we will give you a full refund if you are not happy with it. To qualify for a refund, you will need to:
- Complete the online training (including the worksheets) before attending
- Attend all of the live training (Days 1-4)
- Request a refund between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm on Day 4 by approaching one of our training advisors
We guarantee success through our training, coaching and mentoring, and such is our confidence in your success, that we will refund your Academy in full should you not make enough money in property to cover the cost of the Academy.
All we ask in return is that you complete all the training in full to ensure you have given yourself the best chance to succeed.
Completing the training in full includes:
For the first 6 months:
- Watching and completing all the online courses (including tasks and assignments)
- Attending all the live training and completing the required tasks and assignments before during and after each course
- Attending at least two Monday Night Masterminds per month
- Attending at least one Tues-Fri Mastermind session per month
- Attending one Academy networking event per month
- Submitting periodic progress reports as and when required
- Arranging and engaging in one mentoring call per month
For months 7 to 12:
- Submitting at least one verified deal on Deal Connect per month
- Attending one academy networking event per month
- Submitting a monthly progress report, by email, to one of our accountability coaches for review and follow-up
Should you have completed all of these steps and still not recouped the price of the Academy by the anniversary of your Academy purchase, you will have 7 days from that date in which to request a refund. Your request and completion of training will then be reviewed and submitted for processing if qualified.