Touchstone Education Dissatisfied Students – 3 Shocking Truths Revealed!

Touchstone Education Dissatisfied Students: In a recent video, I break down my thoughts on Touchstone Education, a property training company offering mentorship to aspiring investors. Over the years, I've received countless messages from people who invested £15,000+ in their training, but felt unsupported and disappointed!

If you want to hear a breakdown of what a Touchstone Education customer had to say, please watch the full video until the end. You can see the video at the top of the page or on my YouTube channel.

While I don’t want to speak badly of any other person or business, I do want to pass on the feedback that I have had from former Touchstone Education customers. I also want to provide a solution to any of their dissatisfied students reading this article.

I will be addressing the negatives of Touchstone Education in this article, however individual experiences may differ, and I am sure there are clients that are satisfied with their service. The aim of this article is to give you the information you need to make your own mind up!

In this article, I will give you 3 truths about Touchstone Education, based on feedback from their dissatisfied customers. I will also provide a solution for former Touchstone Education customers to receive real support in their property journey.

It is important that people have the facts about Touchstone Education before they invest their hard-earned cash! Please consider sharing this article on your social media pages. With your help, we can get the word out to prospective and current Touchstone Education clients.

1. Touchstone Education Dissatisfied Students: Limited Mentoring!

One of the people that messaged me about their experience with Touchstone Academy explained that they were only offered 20 minutes a month of one-to-one mentorship. In my opinion, as a property educator, this isn’t enough time to provide meaningful support to students.

In the Samuel Leeds Academy, students have access to unlimited mentoring calls. These are with expert mentors. They can also speak to professionals such as a solicitor, an accountant or a mortgage advisor. We also offer them help with estimating refurbishment costs and can help them sell their deals.

2. Touchstone Education Dissatisfied Students: The Owner Doesn’t Live In The UK!

The founder of Touchstone Education is Paul Smith, and he doesn’t live in the UK. He actually lives in Monaco. Of course, with digital communication, this isn’t necessarily a problem. However, if you prefer the personal touch, living in the same country is extremely important!

I live in the UK, and therefore am very much available to my Academy students. My Academy members get to know me and I get to know them. This allows me to offer the best support possible to my students.

3. Touchstone Education Dissatisfied Students: Limited Support!

Another problem raised about Touchstone Education is a lack of support. One former student described the mentors as ‘rude’ and didn’t feel satisfied with the community provided. When doing an advanced training programme like an Academy, support is essential. Without support, many students will fail and not meet their goals.

The Samuel Leeds Academy not only has unlimited mentoring calls, with mentors that are property experts and really care about students' success, but we also have a great community too! There are events for Academy members all over the country and there is plenty of opportunity to network.

Touchstone Education Dissatisfied Students: The Solution!

Are you one of Touchstone Education dissatisfied students? If you are a current or former Touchstone Academy member, I have an offer for you! I want to show you that things can be different and that property training can really work for you.

If you paid for the Touchstone Academy and don’t feel you got the support you needed, I would like to give you the following gifts:

1. £1,000 free credit

To access the Online Commercial Property Masterclass.

2. A special Guest Pass

To attend an exclusive Inner Circle evening of networking.

3. A special one-month trial of the Samuel Leeds Academy

With a fully refundable £1,000 deposit, no questions asked refund anytime within the 31 days if you are not absolutely blown away with the support and mentoring received.

You can sign up on our Special Offer page to arrange instant access to these complimentary gifts!

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