How To Get Rich In 7 Days – Samuel Leeds Financial Freedom Challenge

How To Get Rich in 7 Days: I recently did one of my famous Financial Freedom Challenges with one of my students, Elijah. Elijah was struggling with money and needed some help getting started in his property journey. I spent 7 days with him, attempting to turn him from a poor man into a rich man. Was 7 days enough? How much did he actually make? Find out by watching the full video until the end. You can watch the video at the top of this page or on my YouTube channel.

A lot of people want to know how to get rich in 7 days. While it isn’t easy to do, it is possible. Firstly, Elijah had my one-to-one expert help and his results should not be considered typical. Secondly, this is not about becoming a millionaire in 7 days, it is about producing a stream of income that sets you up for success. That said, with some training and hard work, it is possible to replicate Elijah’s success yourself. Even if you don’t manage to do it in 7 days, it is achievable in a short period of time.

If you have watched the full video and now want to give it a go yourself, keep reading! In this ‘how to get rich in 7 days’ guide, I will explain exactly how Elijah did it. If you take action and follow this simple plan, you could change your life. If you find this article useful, please consider sharing it on social media. Together, we can help make more people financially free!

1. How To Get Rich in 7 Days: Deal Sourcing

Elijah only had £2,000 in his bank account when we met for the financial freedom challenge, and he needed that money to live on. To make things worse, he had lost his job recently too! Therefore, it was a priority to get him some cashflow. One way to make money in property, if you have the knowledge but not the capital, is deal sourcing. This is where you find and negotiate property deals and then pass them on to other investors for a fee.

Many property investors are working professionals and don’t have time to sort through endless properties, go to viewings, and negotiate with estate agents. These investors are more than willing to pay a few thousand pounds for someone else to do it for them. If you are able to find and assess deals, this is a great way to generate some cash!

2. How To Get Rich in 7 Days: BRRR And Bridging Finance

Once you have some cashflow coming in, you can start to invest. One way to do this is the buy, refurbish, refinance, rent (BRRR) strategy. This is where you buy a rundown property, do it up, and then put it on a mortgage at its new value. If the new value is high enough, this allows you to recover the property price and the refurbishment costs, and do it all again!

When you buy the property, you start as a cash buyer. You don’t need the entire amount in cash, however, as you can use bridging finance. Bridging finance acts as a bridge between buying the property and then refinancing it on a regular mortgage. If you are a member of my Academy, you can apply for a bridging loan from Samuel Leeds Finance.

3. How To Get Rich in 7 Days: Community And Contacts

Elijah is a member of my Academy, which means he has access to a lot of people that can support him. This meant, during the challenge, he knew lots of potential investors who were all aware he had been through a high quality training process. Having a network that you can reach out to is essential in the property world. You will need to build one to become successful. Attend property networking events and property training days.

If you want a shortcut to build a network, consider joining the Academy. This will allow you to meet like-minded people who have all shown they are willing to invest in themselves. If you are interested in joining, why not book a free call with one of our training advisors?

How To Get Rich in 7 Days: Training

If after reading this ‘How To Get Rich in 7 Days’ guide, you are considering doing your own personal financial freedom challenge, you will need some training. Join me at my next £1 training event!

On the course, you will learn how to:

  • Become a property investor using other people’s money so that you can get started straight away

  • Utilise the 5 different types of raised finance so that you know exactly what to offer and when

  • Find the perfect properties for the BRRR strategy

  • Recycle your money so that you can ‘rinse and repeat’

  • Build a power team you can trust, so that you can save time and money

  • And much more!

Tickets are only £1, and you can get yours here. If you are ready to take action, I hope to see you very soon!

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