At a recent event, my brother Russell interviewed me and Simon Zutshi property investing legend, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author. We answered questions from the audience which ranged from dealing with unsupportive friends to being challenged to a £100 rock-paper-scissors contest! Simon revealed a lot of important information including how he has crowd funded deals totalling £850,000,000!
You can watch the full interview on the video at the top of the page. I highly recommend watching the video until the end, as it contains wisdom that every property investor needs to hear.
My first interaction with Simon Zutshi was as a teenager. My stepdad put me in touch with him so that I could get some advice about getting into property. This had a big impact on me, and I am grateful to Simon for taking the time to do that. In this article, I will give you 3 lessons to learn from Simon Zutshi property investor!
Simon Zutshi Property Lesson #1: Picking A Joint Venture Partner
When you are choosing a long-term joint venture partner, it is important that you pick someone you can work with well. Often, people get into long-term business relationships with people that they don’t know that well. You might get along like a house on fire at a property networking event, but that doesn’t mean you will get on when a business crisis arises.
Simon set out a process for picking a long-term joint venture partner. He suggests that you consider 3 things. The first is whether you would be happy to invite the person to a family meal. The next is to consider if you would be happy for them to stay over at your house for the night. Finally, consider if you would be happy for them to go on a weekend away with your family. If the answer is ‘no’ to any of these questions, Simon Zutshi says, do not make them a long-term business partner!
Simon Zutshi Property Lesson #2: Dealing With Unsupportive Family And Friends
When you start getting into property investment or business, many of your friends and family will not be supportive. They may think it all sounds too good to be true, or that you should be happy with the traditional career path that most people take. Some of these people will be coming from a good place of wanting to protect you. Others will be trying to keep you at their level so they don’t lose you in their lives. Either way, it can be a hindrance to your progress.
Simon spoke about this issue during our interview. In the case of casual acquaintances, such as Facebook friends, he suggests simply ‘unfriending’ them and moving on. With family and people closer to you, he suggests avoiding the subject entirely if they are not receptive. While you might want to help them to see the value in what you are doing, it isn’t always possible. Talk to them about other things and save the important stuff for those that get it!
Simon Zutshi Property Lesson #3: Don’t Be The Smartest Person In The Room
Another bit of Simon Zutshi property advice is, don’t be the smartest person in the room. Try to be around people that are smarter and more experienced. You want to be around people you can learn from and grow from. That means listening and learning from people that have already done what you want to do.
People often try to be around people that know less than them, so they can feed their own egos. Don’t be that kind of person. Humble yourself and reap the rewards! Be the ‘dumbest’ person in a very smart room!
From Simon Zutshi Property Advice To Samuel Leeds Property Training
If you enjoyed this bit of Simon Zutshi property advice, why not join me, Samuel Leeds, for some property training? You can join me at my next training event for just £1!
On the course, you will learn how to:
Become a property investor using other people’s money so that you can get started straight away
Utilise the 5 different types of raised finance so that you know exactly what to offer and when
Find the perfect properties for the BRR strategy
Recycle your money so that you can ‘rinse and repeat’
Build a power team you can trust, so that you can save time and money
And much more!
Tickets are only £1, and you can get yours here. If you are ready to take action, I hope to see you very soon!