£3,000 TRAINING GIVEAWAY! | Become An Investor Like The Celebrities (CLOSING SOON)
Hello everyone. This is me, Samuel Leeds. Today I am giving an opportunity to all of you where
I will be giving free training as a giveaway to three lucky people. In this training you will learn
some exact tools of getting a free house. Isn’t it incredible? You must be thinking about a free
house, right? Well, you have seen winners on Wednesday where Krept Conan talked about his
house as effectively a free house. I have been dealing with many celebrities whose names I
can’t reveal because of confidential reasons.
It is like you have to learn when you buy a cheap house for example you buy a house for 43,000
pounds and then you push the value up and refinance it. It’s a whole procedure and I have
taught many celebrities and other students. Once you learn this skill then you will become an
investor soon. There are many options like doing it yourself or borrowing money from someone
and then recycling it. Just develop the skill to find the properties and the routes will start getting
clear to you step by step.
Training Giveaway
So, I will be giving free training to three people who can avail the chance to learn from the
comfort of their home. This will be my top advanced training which costs 1000 pounds for six
weeks. This is Buy, Refurbish, Refinance Masterclass and a lot of rich people are taking it and
they have literally transformed their lives financially. They are investing in many properties,
doing joint ventures and whatever they want. They have become financially free.
You can also become like them. And this is the first time I am giving this advanced training for
free. You can win this and I will tell you how to participate in this competition and get a chance
to win this training. But before entering into the competition, let me tell you that there are three
figures that you need to learn in this Buy, Refurbish, Refinance Masterclass.
Three Figures
The three figures are:
1. Purchase Price
This is the first thing to get a cheap purchase price either by going to auction or
wherever you think you can get. I will teach you in the masterclass how to buy on pre-
auction and post-auction. You will learn this skill on how to get a house strategically at a
cheap price at auction.
2. Build Cost
It is very important to find cheap builders as well as reliable ones who can work for you
fast. The one which won’t cost you much and works good for you. And in case your
builder walks off like mine then you must know the replacement and quick step to get a
good builder. This skill is very essential.
3. End Value
For this you need to learn the exit strategy. If the property you bought got down valued.
Sometimes, when you refinance the property there could be a chance that property
value will go down and it might create a problem so you don’t need to panic. Instead you
should have an exit strategy that can save you. The exit strategy could be either sale or
refinancing so you will be under a safe zone. Do it professionally and I will teach you
how to do it.
How To Win the Training?
Well. to participate in this competition you have to click the link that I am mentioning in the
description box. It has all the details, just click it and get yourself entered. There will be three
lucky people who will get the free access to the entire course of Buy, Refurbish, Refinance
masterclass. I am really excited for this and I hope you people are too. The reason for giving it
for free is because there are hard times going on due to Covid and lots of people are jobless or
they wanted to a side business for extra income so it will be beneficial for them to avail and start
making money. I will love to serve them and see them going to top from bottom.
Wrap Up!
So, this is it. If you are young under 20 or above 20 or even if you are in your 50's and want to
recycle your cash then click the link below given in the description and try your luck to win free
training. You can also check the link of the interview with Krept Conan, I am sharing it also in
the description. Hope you are one of those people to avail my free advanced Buy, Refurbish,
Refinance Masterclass. Also, if you like my videos then do me a favor by smashing the
subscribe button of my Youtube channel. Thank you. Good luck to all of you. Take care, bye!
ENTER TO WIN FREE TRAINING: https://z4e5k04mhso.typeform.com/to/f…